
本文摘要:LONDON — Zurich Insurance Group said on Monday that it was abandoning its pursuit of RSA Insurance Group, a smaller British rival, after a deterioration in its business performance, particularly in Zurich’s general insurance unit.伦敦——苏黎世保险


LONDON — Zurich Insurance Group said on Monday that it was abandoning its pursuit of RSA Insurance Group, a smaller British rival, after a deterioration in its business performance, particularly in Zurich’s general insurance unit.伦敦——苏黎世保险集团(Zurich Insurance Group)周一宣告,将退出并购RSA保险集团(RSA Insurance Group),后者是一个规模较小的英国竞争对手。苏黎世的此次声明再次发生在其业绩经常出现下降之后,业绩下降奇以普通保险业务尤为明显。Zurich also said that it was conducting an in-depth review of those general insurance operations and that it expected losses of about $275 million on insurance claims related to a series of explosions that rocked the port city of Tianjin, China, in August.苏黎世还透漏,该公司正在对那些普通保险业务的经营状况展开了解的审查。

今年8月,一系列发生爆炸冲击了中国港口城市天津,苏黎世预计与此相关的保险赔偿不会给公司带给2.75亿美元的损失。The company, one of the largest insurers in Europe, had said in July that it was considering making an unsolicited bid for RSA. Last month, it indicated that it was willing to offer 5.6 billion pounds, or about $8.7 billion, for RSA.苏黎世是欧洲仅次于的保险公司之一,它于今年7月声称,考虑到对RSA保险集团主动发动并购。

上个月,苏黎世回应,不愿开价56亿英镑——约合87亿美元,555亿元人民币——并购RSA。On Monday, Zurich said that its discussions with RSA had been terminated and that weaker-than-expected profit in its general insurance business in the first half of this year was expected to continue in the third quarter.苏黎世于周一称之为早已中止与RSA集团的磋商,又称今年上半年其普通保险业务盈利不及预期的状况,预计不会沿袭至第三季度。Given the claims related to the Tianjin explosions and the outcome of a recent review of its reserves, Zurich said that it expected its general insurance business to post an operating loss of about $200 million in the third quarter. The operating profit in the general insurance business declined 31 percent to $1.2 billion in the first half of the year.根据与天津发生爆炸涉及的赔偿和最近的准备金审查结果,苏黎世集团预计,其普通保险业务将在第三季度经常出现大约两亿美元的营业亏损。今年上半年,其普通保险业务的营业利润增加了31%,降到12亿美元。

“In light of the above recent deterioration in the trading performance in the group’s general insurance business, Zurich announced this morning that it has terminated its discussions in connection with a possible offer for RSA,” Zurich said in a news release.苏黎世在新闻稿中称之为:“鉴于近期公司普通保险业务的业绩好转,苏黎世于今天早晨宣告,已中止与RSA集团就有可能的并购开价而展开的磋商。”The news sent shares of RSA down 21.7 percent to 399 pence in early trading in London.这一消息使RSA在伦敦交易所的股价跌到至399便士,降幅21.7%。

RSA, which is based in London, offers insurance to consumers and businesses, including home, automobile, liability and marine insurance. The company is worth about 5 billion, based on its market capitalization.RSA集团总部坐落于伦敦,为个人和企业客户获取保险,其险种还包括房屋保险、车辆保险、责任保险和海上保险。RSA集团市值大约为50亿英镑。

The insurer employs about 19,000 people worldwide and wrote 7.47 billion in net premiums in 2014.该公司在全球雇用有1.9万名员工,2014年的净保险费收益为74.7亿英镑。Zurich, founded in 1872, offers general and life insurance across several product lines. It has about 55,000 employees in more than 170 countries and had net written premiums of $48.7 billion in 2014.苏黎世于1872年正式成立,获取跨越多条产品线的普通险要和人寿险。它在多达170个国家享有5.5万名雇员,其2014年的净保险费收益约487亿美元。In August, Zurich said it was willing to offer to pay 550 pence a share for RSA, a bid that was conditioned on completing a due diligence review of the insurer and receiving a recommendation from RSA’s board of directors that shareholders accept the offer.今年8月,苏黎世称之为,不愿以每股550便士的价格并购RSA,但条件是已完成对该保险公司的尽责调查,且RSA董事会建议股东拒绝接受开价。

RSA had indicated its board was willing to recommend the offer if other terms were met.RSA集团曾回应,如果其他条款需要获得符合,董事会不愿引荐这一开价。In a news release on Monday, RSA confirmed that its discussions with Zurich had ended, but that Zurich’s due diligence review “had not found anything that would have prevented them from proceeding with the transaction.”在周一的新闻稿中,RSA证实其与苏黎世之间的辩论早已中止,但称之为苏黎世的尽责调查“没找到任何阻碍交易之后展开的因素”。“Since that time, RSA has continued to make good progress in the delivery of its action plans, as evidenced by our half-year results,” RSA said.“自那以后,RSA在工作计划的实行上,维持着卓越的进展,这已是我们的半年业绩所证明,”RSA称之为。

RSA brought in Stephen Hester, a former chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland, as chief executive in February 2014. He had taken the helm of R.B.S. after a government bailout in 2008. In December 2013, Simon Lee, RSA’s top executive, quit after a capital shortfall in its Irish operations.RSA于2014年2月聘用斯蒂芬·赫斯特(Stephen Hester)兼任首席执行官,他曾于苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)兼任完全相同职位。在2008年的政府救市行动之后,他掌理了RBS的大权。

2013年12月,在RSA的爱尔兰业务经常出现资本缺口之后,RSA首席继续执行官西蒙·李(Simon Lee)辞任职位。Since joining RSA, Mr. Hester has sold businesses and raised capital in order to bolster its balance sheet.赫斯特重新加入RSA以来,为了筹措资本、稳固资产负债表,使出了一些业务。RSA was created in 1996 by the merger of two of the largest British insurers, Royal Insurance and Sun Alliance.1996年,英国仅次于的两家保险公司皇家保险(Royal Insurance)与太阳牵头(Sun Alliance)拆分,构成了RSA。



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